University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health
Dr. Mustafa Baskaya teaching in the "Lincoln Ramirez Neurosurgery Operative Skills Laboratory"
Upcoming Events
May 19-20
Dr. Baskaya’s Microsurgery and Skull Base Course
All courses are held in HSCL room 1325 and the Lincoln F. Ramirez Neurosurgery Operative Skills Lab at UW Hospital and Clinic at K4/417, in Madison, WI
June 17, 2023
Annual Picnic at Westmorland Park
June 23, 2023
Graduation Weekend honoring Paul Page, MD
Photos from our past events
Students attending a dissection courseStudents attending a dissection courseDr. Dempsey with researchers Roy Chebel, Ahmed Elbayomy and Abdulla KelesDrs Iskandar, Dr. Dempsey and former resident Dr. RajpalDrs Iskandar and former resident Dr. RajpalDistinguished lecture Sharad Rajpal, MD, Robert J. Dempsey, MD, Daniel Resnick, MD
L2R: Solomon Ondomo ’18, Casey Madura ’15, Robert Dempsey, Chair, Chris Nickele ’14, Sharad Rajpal ’09, Azam Ahmed ’09.Casey Madura ’15, Brook Schultz, Mustafa Baskaya, MD, Chris Nickele ‘14Kimberly Hamilton ’19, Robert Dempsey, MD, Yiping Li ’19