University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health
Distinguished Lecturers / Visiting Professors
Ann-Christine Duhaime, MD
Pediatric Neurosurgeon
Director, Pediatric Neurosurgery
Director, Neurosurgical Trauma and Intensive Care
Massachusetts General Hospital,
Boston, MA
“Child Abuse and Head Injuries: Evidence, Humility, and Certainty”
June 17, 2020
Dr. Ann-Christine Duhaime
Dr. Dalton Dietrich Scientific Director, The Miami Project to Cure Paralysis Senior Associate Dean for Discovery Science Co-Director, Institute for Neural Engineering Professor of Neurological Surgery, Neurology, Biomedical Engineering and Cell Biology University of Miami Leonard M. Miller School of Medicine, Miami, Florida
“Recent Progress in Protection and Repair after Spinal Cord Injury: Experimental and Clinical Investigations”
“The Importance of Temperature in the Pathophysiology and Treatment of Brain Injury”
August 20-21, 2019
Dr. Dietrich and Dr. DempseyDr. Dietrich giving a lectureDr. Dietrich giving a lecture
Dr. Dietrich giving a lunchtime lecture
Dr. Eric Zager Professor of Neurosurgery, Penn Medicine
“Innovation in Brachial Plexus Surgery”
April 5, 2019
Dr. Eric Zager giving a lecture
Dr. Eric Zager with Residents and Faculty
Dr. Murat Gunel Chair of Neurosurgery, Yale University Landis Family Visiting Professor Topic of the talk: Genetics and Epigenetics of Stroke
February 26-27, 2019
Dr. Gunel and Dr. DempseyDr. Gunel and Dr. DempseyFaculty, research staff and residents attend Dr. Gune’s lecture.Dr. Gunel, Dr. Dempsey and ResidentsDr. Gunel giving a Grand Rounds Lecture
Dr. Gunel giving a Grand Rounds Lecture
Kimberly Hoang Neurosurgical and Spinal Oncology Fellow MD Anderson Cancer Center
“Surgical robotics and autonomy in cranial neurosurgery: a prototype”
December 12, 2018
Dr. Alim Louis Benabid 2018-2019 Hilldale Lecture in the Biological Sciences 2014 Lasker Award Winner Chairman of the Board, Clinatec Member of the Academy of Sciences Professor Emeritus of Biophysics at Joseph Fourier University Scientific Advisor at the Atomic Energy Commission
October 3 – 4, 2018
Dr. Alim Louis Benabid and Dr. Robert DempseyDr. Alim Louis Benabid giving his lecture
Dr. Dempsey presenting plaque to Dr. Alim Louis Benabid
Dr. Louise D. McCullough, MD, PhD Visiting Professor Prof. Roy M. & Phyllis Gough Huffington Distinguished Chair Department of Neurology Chief of Neurology, Memorial Hermann Hospital Co-Director, Mischer Neuroscience Institute University of Texas-Houston Houston TX
August 23, 2018
Dr. McCullough giving a morning grand rounds lecture.Dr. McCullough and Dr. Dempsey
Dr. McCullough giving an afternoon lecture.
Dr. Michael Steinmetz Cleveland Clinic Lerner COM
June 22 – 23, 2018Dr. Dempsey and Dr. Steinmetz
Dr. Steinmetz with residents and faculty
Dr. Lynda Yang University of Michigan
March 30 – April 1, 2018Dr. Dempsey, Dr. Yang, Dr. Haldeman, Dr. Hanna, and Dr. Schmidt
Dr. Yang giving a lecture
Dr. Antonio Chiocca Harvard
February 27 – 28, 2018Dr. Dempsey, Dr. Chiocca and Dr. Kuo
Dr. Antonio Chiocca and other members of the department
John Knightly, MD Atlantic Health Institute
January 26 – 27, 2018Dr. Knightly and members of the department
Dr. Resnick, Dr. Knightly and Dr. Dempsey
B. Gregory Thompson, M.D. John E. McGillicuddy Professor of Neurological Surgery and Vice Chair Professor, Otolaryngology Professor, Radiology University of Michigan”Laser Angioscopy Reveals Concealed Ulcers in Substenotic Carotid Plaques in Cryptogenic Patients: A Preclinic Study”
October 13, 2017
Dr. Thompson giving his lecture
Dr. Thompson, Dr. Dempsey, Dr. Resnick and residents
Vikram Prabhu, MD Loyola
September 16 – 20, 2017
Richard Bryne, MD Rush U Med Center
August 10 – 11, 2017Dr. Bryne and members of the department
Dr. Bryne giving his lecture
Benah Badie, MD City of Hope Hospital, CA
June 23 – 24, 2017Dr. Badie giving a lecture
Dr. Badie giving a lecture
Raj Midha, MD Alberta Health Services
March 24 – 25, 2017
Dr. Midha and members of the department
Russell Lonser, MD The Ohio State
December 2 – 3, 2016Dr. Dempsey and Dr. Lonser
Dr. Lonser with members of the department
Victor Levin, MD University of Texas
June 1, 2016Dr. Kuo, Dr. Levin and Dr. Javid
Dr. Kuo, Dr. Dempsey, Dr. Levin and Dr. Javid
Nader Sanai, MD Barrow (joint)
March 2 – 3, 2016 Dr. Sanai, Dr. Kuo and researchers
Dr. Sanai with residents
Nathan R. Selden, MD, PhD, FACS, FAAP Campagna Chair of Pediatric Neurosurgery Director Residency Program, Neurological Surgery Vice Chair, Neurological Surgery Oregon Health and Science University School of Medicine Portland, OregonFriday, October 21 – Neural Stem Cell Transplantation in Children: 5-Year Results Saturday, October 22 – Intentional Education: A Modern Paradigm that is Changing Neurosurgical Residency
October 21 – 23, 2016
Dr. Selden and residents
Dr. Selden giving his lecture
Dr. Garrie Arumugum National University of SingaporeSeptember 20 at 4 pm, Javid Room – Talk title: Hypoxisome and Inflammasome in Stroke September 21 at 7:30 am, Department Grand Rounds; G5/152 CSC – Talk title: Dietary Restriction and Stroke
September 20-21, 2016
Dr. Arumugum, Dr. Vemuganti and Dr. Kuo
Dandan Sun, M.D., Ph.D. Professor, Neurology and UPMC Endowed Chair University of Pittsburgh Pittsburgh, PAFriday, June 24 – “Targeting Chloride Ion Transport Proteins to Reduce ‘Malignant’ Cerebral Edema”
June 24-26, 2016
R. Shane Tubbs, MS, PA-C, PhD Professor, Children’s Hospital Alabama UAB School of Medicine Department of Neurosurgery Section of Pediatric Neurosurgery Birmingham, AlabamaFriday, March 25, 2016 – “20 Years of Reverse Translational Research in Neuroanatomy” Saturday, March 26, 2015 – Guest Lecturer at the UW Peripheral Nerve Lab
March 24-27, 2016
Dr. Tubbs with Dr. Dempsey, Dr. Iskandar and residents
Zena Vexler, PhD David Gilboe Memorial Lecture – Blood-Brain Barrier Integrity after Perinatal Stroke: Consequences for Injury and Repair
November 19, 2015
Dr. Vexler and Dr. Dempsey
Anil Nanda, MD Professor and Chairman, Department of Neurosurgery LSUHSC-Shreveport Shreveport, LA“Skull Base Surgery: The Sacred and Profane.” “Dharma, Dixie and Dilemmas in Public Health.”
August 14-15, 2015
Dr. Nanda with members of the department
Samir Lapsiwala, MD Fort Worth Brain and Spine Institute Fort Worth, TX“Practicing Neurosurgery in the Real World”
June 19-20, 2015
Dr. Dempsey and Dr. Lapsiwala
Dr. Lapsiwala and members of the department
Rick Abbott, MD Professor, Clinical Neurosurgery and Clinical Pediatrics Albert Einstein College of Medicine Bronx, NY“My Headache is a 9: Managing Headache Complaints and Shunts” “Functional Outcome of Aggressive Surgical Management of Intramedullary Spinal Cord Tumors in Children”
April 24-25, 2015
Dr. Abbot giving a lecture
Alex Valadka, MD Chief Executive Officer & Board of Directors Chairman Seton Brain and Spine Institute Austin, Texas Adjunct Professor Department of Psychology University of Texas, Austin, Texas“Controversies in the Management of Severe TBI” “The Neurosurgical Workforce: Training More Neurosurgeons”
January 16-17, 2015
Dr. Medow, Dr. Valadka and Dr. Dempsey
Dr. Valadka
Michael Wang, MD Professor Departments of Neurological Surgery & Rehabilitation Medicine University of Miami Miller School of Medicine“Advances in Minimally Invasive Spinal Surgery” “Revision Deformity Surgery: Case Vignettes”
August 15-16, 2014
Dr. Wang and members of the department
Dr. Wang giving a lecture
Miguel Perez-Pinzon, MD Professor of Neurology & Neuroscience Vice-Chair for Basic Science (Neurology) Director, Cerebral Vascular Disease Research Laboratories University of Miami Miller School of Medicine“Ischemic Preconditioning: mechanisms and potential clinical scenarios” “Ischemic Preconditioning: mechanisms of neuroprotection”
August 12-13, 2014
Eldad Hadar, M.D. Associate Professor, Program Director and Vice Chair Department of Neurological Surgery The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill”Charting Your Own Career Path”
June 20-21, 2014
Dr. Dempsey and Dr. Hadar
Frederick F. Lang, Jr., MD FACS FAANS Professor (Tenure) Director of Clinical Research Department of Neurological Surgery The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center”Mesenchymal Stem Cells in the Therapy and Biology of Gliomas”
January 17, 2014
Dr. Lang with faculty and residents
Benjamin C. Warf, MD Associate Professor Department of Surgery Affiliate Faculty, Department of Global Health and Social Medicine Harvard Medical School”Doing Pediatric Neurosurgery in Uganda: What We Have Learned” “ETV/CPC for Infant Hydrocephalus: Technique, Results and Why it Works”
November 5-7, 2014
Dr. Warf and residents
Nicholas M. Barbaro, M.D. Chairman, Indiana University School of Medicine Department of Neurological Surgery Betsey Barton Professor of Neurological Surgery Vice President and Neurosurgeon, Goodman Campbell Brain and Spine“Surgery and Radiosurgery for Temporal Lobe Epilepsy”
October 11-12, 2013
Dr. Barbaro with residents and faculty
Dr. Barbaro and faculty
Peter Rasmussen, M.D. Director of the Cerebrovascular Center Cleveland Clinic Associate Professor at Cleveland Clinic Lerner College of Medicine of Case Western Reserve UniversityCost Centers, Service Lines and the Future Organization of Stroke Care
June 21-23, 2013
Dr. Rasmussen giving a lectureDr. Rasmussen giving a lectureDr. Rasmussen, Dr. Dempsey and other members of the department
Dr. Rasmussen giving a lecture
Michael T. Lawton, M.D. Professor in Residence of Neurological Surgery Tong Po Kan Endowed Chair Chief, Cerebrovascular and Skull Base Surgery Programs Director, Cerebrovascular Disorders Program University of California San Francisco“The Vascular Manifesto””Bypass for Aneurysm”
May 17 & 18, 2013
Dr. Lawton and members of the department
Dr. Lawton and Dr. Dempsey
Samuel D. Rabkin, PhD PhD Associate Professor Department of Surgery (Microbiology & Immunobiology) Harvard Medical School Brain Tumor Research Center“Targeting Glioblastoma Stem Cells with Oncolytic Herpes Simplex Virus and Immunotherapy”
May 8, 2013
Dr. Rabkin and members of the department
Dr. Rabkin signing the visitor book
Dr. John Steeves Professor Department of Neuroscience The University of British ColumbiaWho Are the Appropriate Subjects for Different Interventions and Distinct Phases of a Spinal Cord Injury Trial
April 10, 2013
T.S. Park Shi H. Huang Professor of Neurosurgery Washington University in St. Louis Neurosurgeon-In-Chief, St. Louis Children’s HospitalSelective Dorsal Rhizotomy/Birth Brachial Plexus Injury
September 28-29, 2012
Dr. Park and other members of the department
Georg Reiser, MD Professor of Biochemistry Director, Institute for Neurobiochemistry Otto-von-Guericke-University Magdeburg, GermanyMitochrondria and Neurodegeneration/neuroprotection-focus on the permeability transition and interaction proteins/ligands as targest for novel neuroprotection mechanismsPrinciples of Neurodegeneration and protection: X-ALD or Refsum as examples of Neurological Diseases Cellular Mechanisms of Toxicity of Novel Protective Mechanisms.
August 28-29, 2012
Robert Harbaugh, MD Director, Penn State Institute of the Neurosciences Professor and Chair, Depatment of Neurosurgery Professor, Engineering Science and Mechanics Penn State UniversityNeurosugical Randomized Trials: How Tarnished is the Gold Standard? Neurosurgical Subspecialization
May 31- June 1, 2012
Dr. Harbaugh and Dr. Dempsey
Dr. John Park Investigator, National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke Chief, Surgical and Molecular Neuro-Oncology Unit National Institutes of HealthImmunotherapy of Malignant Gliomas CITED1 Maintenance of Glioma Stem Cells
March 27-28, 2012Dr. Dempsey, Dr. Park and Dr. Kuo
Dr. Park giving a lecture
Dr. Nelson Oyesiku Chief, Stroke Branch, Clinical Neuroscience Program National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke National Institutes of HealthE-selectin for Secondary Prevention of Stroke Global SUMOylation is Cytoprotective in Brain Ischemia
February 17-18, 2012Dr. Oyesiku lectureDr. Oyesiku lectureDr. Oyesiku and Dr. ResnickResidents using 3d glasses for lecture about 3d video in microscropes
Dr. Dempsey and Dr. Oyesiku
Dr. Joseph Cheng Assoicate Professor of Neurological Surgery Director, Neurosurgery Spine Program Co-Director, Vanderbilt University Spine and Bone Research Laboratory Vanderbilt University Medical CenterEconomic Evolution of Spinal Care-Health Care Costs and the Aging SpineBiomechanics of Spinal Motion
December 16-17, 2011
Dr. Sharif Salman Neurosurgeon Liaquat National Hospital & Medical CollegeNeurosurgery in Pakistan
July 11, 2011Dr. Salman and Dr. Dempsey
Dr. Salman Lecture
John Hallenbeck, M.D. Chief, Stroke Branch, Clinical Neuroscience Program National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke National Institutes of HealthE-selectin for Secondary Prevention of Stroke Global SUMOylation is Cytoprotective in Brain Ischemia
April 14-15, 2011Dr. Hallenbeck meeting with research lab members
Dr. Adibhatla, Dr. Vemuganti, Dr. Hallenbeck and Dr. Dempsey
Juha Hernesniemi, M.D. Professor and Chairman, Department of Neurosurgery University Central Hospital of Helsinki University of HelsinkiLife and Training in Neurosurgery
May 6-7, 2011Dr. Hernesniemi touring the research labs
Dr. Hernesniemi with Dr. Dempsey and the residents
C. Edward Dixon, Ph.D. Director, Brain Trauma Research Center Professor and Vice Chair of Research Department of Neurological Surgery University of PittsburghStriatal Mechanisms of Traumatic Brain Injury
December 2, 2010Dr. Sun, Dr. Ramirez, Dr. Dixon, Dr. Dempsey
Dr. Dixon presented David Gilboe Lectureship plaque by Dr. Dempsey
James T. Rutka, MD, PhD, FRCSC Professor and Chairman Division of Neurosurgery University of TorontoMedulloblastoma: One Disease, Two or More?
September 17-19, 2010
Dr. Rutka, Dr. Dempsey and Dr. Kuo
Dade Lunsford, MD Lars Leksell Professor and Distinguished Professor Departments of Neurological Surgery and Radiation Oncology University of Pittsburgh Director, Center for Image-Guided Neurosurgery Director, Residency ProgramThe Expanding Role of Radiosurgery Where does Radiosurgery fit in the Management of Vascular Malformations?
September 11-12 , 2009
Andres Lozano, MD, PhD Professor and RR Tasker Chair in Neurosurgery Tier 1 Canada Research Chair in Neuroscience University of TorontoImproving Brain Function with Deep Brain Stimulation – May 8 A Brief History of Psychiatric Disorder Surgery – May 9
May 8-9 , 2009
Dr. Dempsey, Dr. Sillay and Dr. Lozano
Allan H. Friedman, MD Guy L. Odom Professor Department of Neurosurgery Duke University Medical CenterLessons Learned from Awake Glioma Surgery- February 27th
February 27-28 , 2009Dr. Friedman, Dr. Baskaya, Dr. Brooks and residents
Dr. Friedman and Dr. Dempsey
John H. Zhang, MD, PhD Professor Departments of Neurosurgery, Anesthesiology, Physiology and Pharmacology, Pathology and Human Anatomy Loma Linda University School of Medicine Loma Linda, CAEarly Brain Injury after Subarachnoid Hemorrhage — January 23rd New Frontiers in Neuroscience Research — January 23rd
January 22-23, 2009
Dr. Zang poses with Dr. Dempsey and other members of the department
John R. W. Kestle, MD Professor and Director of Residency Training Chief, Division of Pediatric Neurosurgery Department of Neurosurgery University of UtahPlanning a Clinical Research Project– September 5th Clinical Trials in Pediatric Hydrocephalus: Lessons Learned– September 5th
September 4-6, 2008Dr. Kestle, Dr. Dempsey and other members of the department
Dr. Kestle and Dr. Dempsey
Gazi Yasargil, MD Professor of Neurosurgery Department of Neurosurgery University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences Little Rock, ArkansasMicroneurosurgical Aspects of the Sylvian Fissure — August 1st Microneurosurgical Experiences in the Treatment of Primary Brain Tumors– August 1st
July 31-August 2, 2008
Dr. Yasargil, Dr. Dempsey and other members of the department
Behnam Badie, MD Director, Department of Neurosurgery Director, Brain Tumor Program City of Hope Medical Center Duarte, CaliforniaKiller Cells: New Ways to Battle Gliomas– June 20th
June 20-22 , 2008Dr. Dempsey, Dr. Badie and other members of the department
Dr. Badie and Dr. Dempsey
Eng Lo, MD Professor of Radiology and Neuroscience Harvard Medical School Boston, MA
April 10-11, 2008Dr. Lo, Dr. Dempsey and other members of the departmentDr. Lo’s lecture
Dr. Lo, Dr. Dempsey and Dr. Javid
David Roberts, MD Professor of Surgery (Neurosurgery) and Section Chief, Neurosurgery Department of Surgery Dartmouth Medical School Hanover, New HampshireTemporal Lobe Epilepsey — January 18th Frontal Lobe Epilepsey: Clinical Diagnosis, Evaluation and Surgical Treatment — January 18th
January 17-19, 2008
Dr. Dempsey, Dr. Javid and Dr. Roberts
Roberto C. Heros, MD Professor, Co-Chairman and Program Director Department of Neurological Surgery University of Miami School of MedicineSome Thoughts on Cerebrovascular Surgery in General and Cerebral AVMs in Particular
September 27-29, 2007Dr. Heros and residents
Dr. Dempsey, Dr. Heros and Dr. Baskaya
Frank Sharp, MD Professor Department of Neurology, Neuroscience and Genetics University of California at DavisBlood Genomics of Neurological Disease
May 11, 2007Dr. Sharp and Dr. Vemuganti
Dr. Sharp and members of the department
M. Sean Grady, MD Charles Harrison Frazier Professor and Chairman Department of Neurological Surgery University of Pennsylvania School of MedicineManagement of Traumatic Brain Injury in the 21st Century
April 27, 2007Dr. Grady and residents
Dr. Grady
Robert J. Spinner, MD Associate Professor Department of Neurosurgery, Orthopedics and Anatomy Mayo Clinic, School of MedicineWhat’s New with Peripheral Nerve Tumors? — January 19th What’s New in Brachial Plexus Surgery? — January 20th
January 19-20, 2007Dr. Spinner and residents
Dr. Spinner giving his lecture
William L. Couldwell, M.D., Ph.D. Professor and Joseph J. Yager Chair Department of Neurosurgery University of UtahManagement of the Difficult Meningioma
September 15, 2006Dr. Couldwell giving his lecture
Dr. Couldwell and residents
Michael Chopp, Ph.D. Vice Chairman Department of Neurology Henry Ford Hospital Detroit, MichiganDistinguished Professor Department of Physics Oakland University Rochester, MichiganRemodeling Brain after Neural Injury: Cell and Pharmacological Therapies
April 28, 2006Dr. Chopp at lunch with residents and research staff
Dr. Chopp talking with faculty and residents
Stephen Ondra, M.D. Associate Professor Department of Neurological Surgery Northwestern University Medical School Evanston, IllinoisSpinal Sagittal Alignment: Analysis, Research and Techniques for Correction – January 27 Adult Spinal Deformity: Evaluation, Treatment, and Outcome – January 28
January 27, 2006Dr. Ondra at UW Hockey gameDr. Ondra and Dr. Dempsey at UW Hockey gameDr. OndraDr. Ondra and residents
Dr. Ondra and residents
Alan R. Cohen, M.D. Surgeon-in-Chief Rainbow Babies and Children’s Hospital Professor of Neurological Surgery Case Western Reserve University School of MedicineBreaking Bad News – November 7 Case Discussion – November 8
November 7-8, 2005
Dr. Cohen talking with faculty and residents
Curtis Dickman, M.D. Director of Spinal Research and Associate Chief Spine Section Division of Neurological Surgery Barrow Neurological InstituteManagement of Giant Herniated Thoracic Discs – Sept 16Thoracoscopic Spinal Surgery – Sept 17
September 16-17, 2005Dr. Dickman and Residents at dinnerDr. Dickman and residents
Dr. Dickman and residents
Albert Rhoton, Jr., M.D. Chairman Emeritus Division of Neurological Surgery University of FloridaArt and Beauty of the Brain in Neurosurgery – Feb 25 Microscopic Anatomy and Approaches to the Cerebellopontine Angle – Feb 26
February 24-26, 2005Dr. Dempsey and Dr. Rhoton
Dr. Rhoton and residents
Mitchel Berger, M.D. Professor and Chairman Department of Neurosurgery University of California – San Fransisco San Fransisco, CaliforniaTranslational Advances for the Management of Gliomas
November 5-6, 2004Dr. Dempsey, Dr. Berger and residents
Dr. Berger and residents
Robert Spetzler, M.D. Director Barrow Neurological Institute Phoenix, ArizonaTerra Incognita
September 24-25, 2004Dr. Spetzler and residents
Dr. Spetzler signing books for residents
Douglas Feinstein, Ph.D. Associate Research Professor Department of Anesthesiology University of Illinois at Chicago West Side V.A. HospitalTherapeutic Potential of PPAR Agonists for Neurological Diseases
May 21, 2004
Josef Krieglstein, M.D., Ph.D Director Institut fur Pharmakologie und Toxikologie Philipps-Universitat Marburg, GermanyRegulation of Neuronal Degeneration and Protection by Protein Kinases and Phosphatases
February 24 – 26, 2004
Ralph G. Dacey, Jr., M.D. Henry G. & Edith R. Schwartz Professor and Chairman Department of Neurological Surgery Washington University School of MedicineChanging Patterns of Care for Cerebral Aneurysms in the USA Hemodynamic Assessment and Management of Arterial Occlusion Due to Atherosclerosis in Moya Moya Disease
January 23 – 24, 2004
Dr. Steven L. Giannotta Professor Keck School of Medicine University of Southern California (USC)Comprehensive Management of Acoustic Neuromas Surgical Management of Internal Carotid Artery Aneurysms
September 5 – 6, 2003
Dr. R. Michael Scott Professor and Director Pediatric Neurological Surgery The Children’s Hospital Harvard Medical SchoolLongterm Followup after Surgical Treatment of Moyamoya Syndrome Management of Craniopharyngioma
August 8 – 9, 2003
Dr. Richard Fessler Professor and Chief Section of Neurological Surgery University of ChicagoApplications of Minimally Invasive Spine Surgical Techniques
January 10 – 11, 2003
Dr. Kim J. Burchiel John Raaf Professor and Chairman Oregon Health and Science UniversityThe Theoretical Basis of the Surgical Treatment of Parkinson’s Disease
September 7 – 8, 2002
Dr. Mark Hadley Professor of Neurosurgery University of AlabamaMedical Evidence–Based Guidelines for the Management of Acute Cervical Spine and Spinal Cord Injuries
June 21 – 22, 2002
Dr. Edward Laws, Jr. Professor of Neurosurgery University of VirginiaThe Diagnosis and Management of Pituitary Tumors
April 19 – 20, 2002
Dr. James Rutka Professor of Neurosurgery University of Toronto Hospital for Sick ChildrenMedulloblastoma — From a Difficult Past to a Promising Future
February 1 – 2, 2002
Dr. Marion L. Walker Professor of Pediatric Neurosurgery University of Utah Primary Children’s Medical CenterLiving with Hydrocephalus
September 7 – 8, 2001
Dr. John McGullicudy Professor of Neurosurgery University of MichiganPeripheral Nerve Entrapments and Their Evaluation Brachial Plexus Injuries
May 18 – 19, 2001
Dr. H. Hunt Batjer Chairman and Professor of Neurosurgery Northwestern UniversityControversies in AVM Management Surgery of Upper Basilar Artery
January 26 — 27, 2001
Dr. Edward Oldfield National Institutes of Health University of Alabama–BirminghamConvection–Enhanced Drug Delivery Syringomyelia
October 27 – 28, 2000
Dr. Jerry Oakes Professor of Neurosurgery University of Alabama–BirminghamChiari I Malformation in Childhood
May 26 — 27, 2000
Dr. Volker Sonntag Barrow Neurological InstituteManagement of Cervical Myelopathy Pediatric Spinal Arthrodesis
January 7 – 8, 2000
Dr. Thomas Gennarelli Professor and Chairman of Neurosurgery Medical College of WisconsinThe Neurobiology of Traumatic Brain Injury My Biases in the Treatment of Pituitary Adenomas
October 1 – 2, 1999
Regis W. Haid, MD Associate Professor of Neurosurgery Emory University School of MedicineLumbar Interbody Fusion: Patient Selection, Technical Considerations, Complications, and Outcomes The Use of Posterior Rigid Fixation
June 4–5, 1999
A. Leland Albright, MD Professor of Neurosurgery University of Pittsburgh Chief of Pediatric Neurosurgery Children’s Hospital of PittsburghCerebral Palsy Movement DisordersPediatric Brain Tumors
February 12–13, 1999
Dr. Peter Black Neurosurgeon–in–Chief Brigham & Women’s and Children’s HospitalsBiology and Management of Low–Grade Gliomas Operating with MRI Vision
September 11–12, 1998
Dr. David Piepgras Chairman, Department of Neurosurgery Mayo ClinicChiari Malformation Cranial and Spinal Dural Fistulae
March 6–7, 1998
Dr. Edward Benzel Professor & Chief of Neurosurgery University of New Mexico School of MedicineBack Pain: The Decision–Making Process Biomechanics of Spinal Instrumentation
November 14–16, 1997
Dr. David Kline Professor & Chairman of Neurosurgery Louisiana State University Medical CenterManagement of Brachial Plexus Lesions Tumors of Nerves
April 18–19, 1997
Dr. Julian “Buz” Hoff Professor & Chairman of Neurosurgery University of MichiganIntracerebral Hematomas and Neurosurgery Departments